I said that we went through the medical shot cycle yesterday. This consists of 3 shots in the arms, 5 tubes of blood taken and a “peanut butter shot” in the left butt cheek. This consists of penicillin and several other “cillians” all mixed together. Super thick and left everyone with a lump. These soldiers are going to have real issues with the way they are reacting the next day. A few guys wanted to go to sick bay because they can't walk. It 1644 and we are sitting around study our creed, ranks, song and such. These kids are like school girls and won't quit talking. One of the Sargent got fed up and “smoked” (punished) us by making us stand at attention for 45 minutes.
Today's List: hearing test, individual pictures (got a pack so should send those home in about 6 weeks) and more standing in formation.
I'll have “Fire Watch” for an hour tonight, so I'll try to put these last 3 letters in the mail. Still no return address, but by the end of next week I'll have one. \I'll need letters :) with football scores Aggies and Texans for sure.
Love y'all
Missing you lots! It's weird you're just not a phone call away. We are constantly praying and thinking of you & I'm SO proud to call you my friend! Avery misses uncle James! & I know Cory is missing you too! Love you & take care! So glad I found this blog!