“It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you
Implement that effort into your life; every single day,
That’s where transformation happens. That’s how
Change occurs. Keep going. Remember why you started.”
0300 wake up- clean and mop showers, get ready for first full PT test, 2-2-2. I know I can’t reach my perfect score goal yet, but it’s a good starting point. I am going to pace my battle buddy McPherson at a 14:00 2 mile. Chilly outside but not too bad.
Ended with 58 push-ups and 62 sit-ups. 80% of goal. I lost about 5 for each due to form, not mad about those. I have 6 weeks to build up endurance for 20 more reps for each. My battle buddy ran the 2 mile with me. His personal record so far is 15:00 minutes. We rounded the first mile at 6:30, good pace but slightly fast for a 14:00 minute goal. At ½ mile to go he was holding strong so we sped up. At ¼ mile left and exactly 12:00 in I told him to gut up and I took off. We could see the big clock timer as a goal. We ran on a road one mile down one mile back. I finished at 13:16 which was enough for max points. My buddy got a 13:31 which beat his PR by a minute and a half.
Next we ate chow in our CTA (central training area) and dressed. Loaded up our flick pack, assault pack, hydration pack, and weapon and took off. Today was the team building course. 6 different obstacles, 18 person teams. Mostly giant puzzles, walking across poles, crossing cables using boards and various equipment. Always too little equipment but the team had to come together. It was hot but a lot of fun.
Another semi-fail: my MRE chicken Penne pasta, my sweet was chocolate pudding. BUT…I can tell I’m starting to get in good with the guys because they are sharing dessert with me. I got about 12 skittles, a tootsie roll, seven peanut M&M’s and a chocolate piece. WINNING!!!!!! I was pulled to the side and told they wanted me to start becoming a voice and more of a leader. To this point I help out the guys, do my stuff, clean when everyone isn’t and take control when but not as the point. (Good news as well but I’ll work on that in the near future)
We had to do a heat dump when we got back. This means, we are dirty so we have to take a quick shower before getting back to work.
***Note- I scored 258-300and the top guy in my group scored 274. Maxed 2 mile and push-up but struggled with the sit-ups. In the top so planning on getting better. PT #2 is in a couple of weeks. Goal of 275 the 300 on the last one.
It’s now cleaning time and 30 minutes of free time. We just finished Basic Rifle intro in the classroom. I am all around beat. Tired physically and mentality worn out.
Happy Monday. Start of week 3 of Basic.
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