Saturday, November 29, 2014

11/20/2014 "White Phase Testing"

“Drive on 1st platoon, drive on first platoon.”
“One day you’ll be alone, way out there in the combat zone”
“Bullets flying all around, keep your head down to the ground”
“Don’t worry, you’re not alone, 3rd platoon’s gonna bring you home.”

This morning was relaxed, like the cram before a big exam. We still got up early, but PT was switched to the afternoon, so we cleaned our bay spotless, because a new Commander was walking through. Then we did last minute studying for our exam. After chow we all took our exam. It was pretty easy. Rank structure, General orders, Alphabet military style, military time, and about 30 questions about customs, M16’s and so on. We then went to the PT rock pit and practiced our form and safety over grenades. Tomorrow we qualify on grenades. PT was at 1500 and for once it was light outside and warm. I loved it. Normal preparatory exercises, then 60-120’s on the track. We did longer than normal for 9 rotations which added up to about 2.5 miles, then the 300 yard shuttle sprint (kind of sucked). We then graded exams and hit chow again. I missed four so I aced it.  
Chow, decided today to start cutting back the bread now. 2 pieces of toast or 2 rolls and a muffin every meal, now I’ll allow one slice or a roll. Sub more fruit in the morning.
We got mail call again. Our Senior DS kind of likes this time because he likes the excitement, smiles and overall mood when everyone receives mail from loved ones. One of my best friend’s (Cory) mom sent me mail. Thank you Ms. Toni. I tried calling Cory with no luck last Sunday, so this was great timing.
Was able to knock out 100 pushups and sit-ups before shower and getting ready for bed. I have fireguard at midnight for an hour and again at 0400. They tossed me on that shift so I can grab my morning workout and shower. Due to range time tomorrow we take transportation before 0700 so we are skipping PT and eating breakfast at the range.
Almost Weekend.

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